Personal Inspiration

Personal Inspiration-Faizan.M.docx


Game, album, and movie covers-Faizan.M.pptx


Elements of photography-Faizan.M.pptx


Books, magazine, DPS covers-Faizan.M.pptx

Nacho ormaechea images-Faizan.M.pptx

Light sources in photography-Faizan.M.docx

Portrait Photography questions and tasks colin-FAIZAN.M.doc

Inspirational Person Research-Faizan.M.pptx



I enjoy this because of the pose and Dutch view

I like this because of the high-angle shot above

This one is different angle of the image above

this has a dutch view agle and closer zoom

This has a full-body shot but the image is sideways

this is a profile shot, which is zoomed in
                This has a full shot of a cone

Nacho Ormachea Image i made recreating his style

This is a poster I made about my inspiration person 'Shigeru Miyamoto'

This is an Album cover I made for Miyamoto's 70th Birthday.

These are linel prints, These were some of my first and last prints that I had made.
I made them by using a roller on ink, covering it fully before spreading it all onto a lined block which I carved using a picture of Mario that related to my inspirational person.

This image has my traced drawing and liner block I used to make my prints, along with the first and last print I made.

This is my final project design with Miyamoto’s face onto it, it has many different coloured prints using the same from before with overlapping colours.
I chose these assortment of overlapping colours as I thought they would mix nicely together and create a nice effect.
This relates to my inspirational person as this man had created the widely popular Super Mario, who is the person on the print.

This is my research I did on both of these artists which was my inspiration to print images over the face of my inspirational person. I like the way they blend people together with colour patterns.

This is my favorite prints I did of two colours because it looks like TV static. This effect is from the how the red and blue blend together.  

A drawing I did related to my inspirational person


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